College Projects

College is a great place to learn what it is you want to do with yourself. It’s expensive as all hell but generally worth it. For me it helped me hone in on editing rather than television or film in general. College gave me opportunities to see what making different types of projects could be like. You however don’t need college to make things, you just need to get out there and try to find others who enjoy making things too. I hope you all enjoy this selection of works from my time in school. Maybe we can work together on new projects in the future.

Making A Filmmaker December 7th, 2023

Roles: Director/Producer/Writer/Editor

Runtime: 8 Minutes 8 seconds

Making A Filmmaker is a Documentary short film about the developing film production program at UMass Amherst, through their introductory production courses. Utilizing the the perspectives of both students and faculty inside of those courses, the film paints a picture of the different opinions on the courses that have developed, what philosophies the different professors use to inspire and educate the potential future filmmakers and how these courses are meant to support them as the decide how they want to pursue their creative outlets.

Lenses December 12th, 2023

Role: Director/Producer/Writer/Editor

Runtime: 3 Minutes 49 seconds

Lenses is an experimental film inspired by films like Maya Deren’s Meshes of The Afternoon utilizing the experimental narrative format to examine multiple different perspectives of creativity and independence. It explores the ideas of whether filmmaking is ever truly “honest” with what it is presenting to the audience. Additionally you could interpret this film through the perspective of independence and whether or not anyone is truly “alone” in our modern society. People feel like they aren’t being watched, but the objects and programs we have become so used to and rely so heavily on could easily be turned against us.

Just Another Package February 16th, 2023

Co-Director: Ronald Dessources

Roles: Director/Writer/Co-Editor

Runtime: 6 Minutes 7 seconds

Just Another Package is one of my earliest narrative films. It is meant to be a fun but interesting story that is a brief moment in this character’s life. With hints of magic and outright transformation, it is a little mysterious as to what is happening to the protagonist. I believe this film shows an effective use of storytelling basics and convincing linear editing techniques. I mean who doesn’t love mysteries and mermaids.

Altered Perspectives December 7th, 2023

Roles: Director/Producer/Writer/Editor

Runtime: 3 Minutes 35 seconds

Altered Perspectives is an experimental short film that utilizes college and dorm life as a backdrop to examine how we understand what we are seeing and the way we view what is presented to us. Cameras are a tool to record what we see. We can adjust how the camera itself sees those locations through simple actions like adjusting the focus or angle. By filming and comparing the two different types of locations with various changes, it allows the audience to notice the similarities and differences in both and analyze how they could be related or connected.

Communication is Key January 5th, 2024

Role: Director/Producer/Writer/Editor

Runtime: 12 Minutes 14 seconds

Long distance relationships are considered to be one of the hardest things a couple can do to their relationship. However, it is my experience that they are also not discussed very openly or very often by those who were previously in them or those who are currently in them except for in vague generalities. Communication is Key is a short documentary that attempts to go in depth on how long distance relationships affect those who are involved in them. Using my own long distance relationship this documentary examines how myself, my partner and a few of our closest friends feel about the relationship itself and the idea of long distance relationships overall.

Parts of the Self October 6th, 2023

Roles: Director/Producer/Writer/Editor

Runtime: 3 Minutes 54 seconds

Parts of The Self is a experimental narrative short that takes three stories involving different “aspects” of the protagonists personality and examines them individually before bringing them together into what would be considered the “Self”. The story is meant to entertain the rather broad idea of individuals containing multiple different ideas of themselves that they flow between. However, all of those ideas still come together to form the whole. The generic archetypes used in the beginning shorts are interchangeable with whatever aspect the viewer feels relates to them. They aren’t meant to be strictly defined categories.