SunBeam Buddies
SunBeam Buddies is an online education series that seeks to transform education into exciting adventures for young minds. Guided by a charismatic host and colorful animated support companions, children will learn various skills through interactive activities, catchy songs and expert real life guests. Each episode seeks to blend foundational learning while encouraging creativity and curiosity. Children learn to recognize and communicate their emotions.
InDependent Projects
Indie Filmmaking allows for a certain creative expression that you don’t see as much within studio or corporate creative projects. It certainly has it’s own challenges and complications. However, it’s an amazing way to test out your skills, grow, develop relationships and test out new ideas. Without independent projects who knows where the entertainment industry would be today and how differently its ideas may be expressed.
College Projects
College filmmaking and television projects are generally a good place to test the waters and make mistakes. Whether its through a film school, public university or online courses, learning filmmaking can be done from anywhere. Getting a grade on those projects can be a great way to help you understand your mistakes and get suggestions on how to fix them.